A variety of lectures from pharmacy practitioners from all around the world to gain valuable knowledge.

Because it is an exceptional pandemic, we are looking for an exceptional residency showcase. We are keen to present completely virtual, easy-to-use programs as booths that simulate reality and are available to everyone.

A creative platform that is available for all who are interested to share their skills, experience, and provide practical solutions to the most prominent challenges faced by pharmacists in the fields of work. Moreover in SIPHA 2021, we are giving you the chance to live the experience of a personal interview. Furthermore, our platform will allow you to enter the pharmacy maze and interact with live scenarios in different Pharmacy fields under the supervision of professional pharmacists.

Specialized high-quality workshops will be provided via highly skilled professionals in their respective expertise. Our goal is to provide various professional growth opportunities targeting pharmacy students, professional pharmacists, and pharmacy leaders through an interactive virtual platform. Selected workshops will have limited number of seats. Make sure you register early!

Poster presentations are organized virtually at SIPHA 2021 to encourage pharmacists and pharmacy students to present their original researches. All accepted abstracts will be presented on the platform during the conference.

In a competitive atmosphere, the pharmacy clinical skills competition will assess the problem-solving skills of pharmacy students and their ability to apply learned knowledge of therapeutics in solving patient cases. The aim of this activity is to support and advocate clinical critical thinking and team-based collaboration in providing patient care.